Download The Universe in the Rearview Mirror : How Hidden Symmetries Shape Reality by Dave Goldberg in MOBI


"A great read...Goldberg is an excellent guide."--Mario Livio, bestselling author of The Golden Ratio Physicist Dave Goldberg speeds across space, time and everything in between showing that our elegant universe--from the Higgs boson to antimatter to the most massive group of galaxies--is shaped by hidden symmetries that have driven all our recent discoveries about the universe and all the ones to come. Why is the sky dark at night? If there is anti-matter, can there be anti-people? Why are past, present, and future our only options? Saluting the brilliant but unsung female mathematician Emmy Noether as well as other giants of physics, Goldberg answers these questions and more, exuberantly demonstrating that symmetry is the big idea--and the key to what lies ahead., "A great read...Goldberg is an excellent guide."-Mario Livio, bestselling author of The Golden Ratio Physicist Dave Goldberg speeds across space, time and everything in between showing that our elegant universe-from the Higgs boson to antimatter to the most massive group of galaxies-is shaped by hidden symmetries that have driven all our recent discoveries about the universe and all the ones to come. Why is the sky dark at night? If there is anti-matter, can there be anti-people? Why are past, present, and future our only options? Saluting the brilliant but unsung female mathematician Emmy Noether as well as other giants of physics, Goldberg answers these questions and more, exuberantly demonstrating that symmetry is the big idea-and the key to what lies ahead., A great read Goldberg is an excellent guide. Mario Livio, bestselling author of "The Golden Ratio" Physicist Dave Goldberg speeds across space, time and everything in between showing that our elegant universe from the Higgs boson to antimatter to the most massive group of galaxies is shaped by hidden symmetries that have driven all our recent discoveries about the universe and all the ones to come. Why is the sky dark at night? If there is anti-matter, can there be anti-people? Why are past, present, and future our only options? Saluting the brilliant but unsung female mathematician Emmy Noether as well as other giants of physics, Goldberg answers these questions and more, exuberantly demonstrating that symmetry is the big idea and the key to what lies ahead.", Physicist Dave Goldberg speeds across space, time and everything in between showing that our elegant universe - from the Higgs boson to antimatter to the most massive group of galaxies - is shaped by hidden symmetries that have driven all our recent discoveries about the universe and all the ones to come. Why is the sky dark at night? If there is anti-matter, can there be anti-people? Why are past, present, and future our only options? Saluting the brilliant but unsung female mathematician Emmy Noether as well as other giants of physics, Goldberg answers these questions and more, exuberantly demonstrating that symmetry is the big idea - and the key to what lies ahead. 'A great read . . . Goldberg is an excellent guide.' Mario Livio, bestselling author of The Golden Ratio 'Who knew symmetry could be so brilliantly entertaining?' Nature 'Fun, irreverent, and enjoyable, but also very truthful and illuminating.' Sean Carroll, author of The Particle at the End of the Universe

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