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Chie Hayano - Cute Pups : Canine Friends and Accessories book DJV, EPUB, FB2


ABOUT THIS BOOK The Cute Dogs series' second installment will feature full color pictures of each dog along with short stories and crafting accessories for each pooch. Dog and Accessories Include: Long Coat Chihuahua Shiba Siberian Husky Toy Poodle Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Border Collie Dalmatian Airedale Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Maltese Bulldog Japanese Spitz Bones Leash Collar Carrying Bag Bowls Toys, The Cute Dogs series' second installment presents more crafting ideas for dog lovers. Projects feature color pictures of dogs along with short stories and crafting accessories, from leashes and toys to bowls and collars., The Cute Dogs series' second installment will feature full color pictures of each dog along with short stories and crafting accessories for each pooch. Dog and Accessories Include: Long Coat Chihuahua Shiba Siberian Husky Toy Poodle Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Border Collie Dalmatian Airedale Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Maltese Bulldog Japanese Spitz Bones Leash Collar Carrying Bag Bowls Toys, The Japanese sense of cute strikes again with the next instalment in the Cute Dogs series. Having created a wonderful collection of new pooch buddies, Chie Hayano creates some wonderful accessories to make them look even more fabulous! The accessories include collars, bones, clothes and much more as well as ten new breeds of lovalble pups. Now a Siberian Huskey, a Poodle, a Yorkshire Terrier, a Dalamation and a Maltese can be added to the ever-growing family of dogs.

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