Rena Helms-park - Reading in a Second Language : Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Issues read online EPUB, TXT, PDF


Reading in a Second Language offers a comprehensive survey of the phenomenon and process of reading in a second language, with graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in second language acquisition, psycholinguistics, and applied psychology as its primary audience. The book explores reading processes from a number of complementary standpoints, integrating perspectives from fields such as first and second language reading, second language acquisition, linguistics, psycholinguistics, and cognitive neuroscience. The first half examines major factors in second language reading: types of scripts, the cognitive and neural substrates of reading; metalinguistic awareness, word recognition, language transfer, and lexical knowledge. The second part of the book discusses the social and educational contexts in which reading development occurs, including issues related to pedagogy, the use of technology in the classroom, reading disorders, and policy making. "Reading in a Second Language "provides students with a full, logically organized overview of the primary factors that shape reading development and processes in a second language., The book provides a comprehensive overview of the primary factors which shape the development of second language reading skills in children and adolescents. It describes the phenomenon and process of reading in a second language from linguistic, psycholinguistic and cognitive perspectives, while using research on first-language reading as a foundation. At the same time, the book acknowledges the importance of the social and educational contexts in which reading development takes place and keeps in mind the numerous exciting ways in which changes in modern society and technology are reshaping second-language reading. Important pedagogical and planning/policy implications of the surveyed research are highlighted. With its balance of theoretical, empirical, and practical/applied content, this is the ideal textbook for the graduate-level courses in reading found in second language acquisition, linguistics, educational and applied psychology, and teacher education programs.

Download book Reading in a Second Language : Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Issues by Rena Helms-park in DOC, MOBI, EPUB

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