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Dominic Rathbone - Cambridge Classical Studies: Economic Rationalism and Rural Society in Third-Century AD Egypt : The Heroninos Archive and the Appianus Estate read online ebook DOC, FB2


Dominic Rathbone reconstructs the life and workings of the Appianus estate in the Fayum district of Egypt under Roman rule in the 3rd century AD., This book reconstructs the life and workings of a large private estate in Egypt under Roman rule in the third century AD, on the basis of hundreds of surviving letters and accounts written on papyrus. Topics include the social and economic position of the estate's owners, managers and workforce, its production and marketing of crops and its system of accounting, which is the most sophisticated yet known from the ancient world, and challenges the common belief that economic thought and practice were uniformly "primitive" in the ancient world. The second section of the book includes the Heroninos archive in both the Greek texts and English translation, which will prove an invaluable reference source for historians of Egypt under Roman rule.

Cambridge Classical Studies: Economic Rationalism and Rural Society in Third-Century AD Egypt : The Heroninos Archive and the Appianus Estate by Dominic Rathbone download book TXT, DJV, EPUB

Among the book's other useful features are a pictorial list of common hieroglyphs and their meanings and a chronological table of the rulers of Egypt.He asks questions, based on growing evidence, that cannot be dismissed: Has Mars ever sustained higher forms of life?The overtures to his operas, however, are another matter entirely.His adventures populated by Bedouins, pashas, slave-traders, monks, pilgrims, and other colorfully drawn personalities include crossing the desolate Sinai with a four-camel caravan and a sojourn in plague-ridden Cairo.A contemporary of Gladstone at Eton and of Tennyson and Thackeray at Cambridge, Kinglake offers a frankly imperialistic worldview.The Walker Brothers--John, Scott, and Gary--were one of the biggest pop groups of the 1960s.The nineteenth-century engineers entrusted with transporting the obelisks across oceans had to invent new methods, and they were far from certain that they would work.For Addison and Burke, it was the realm of the sublime, of "foaming billows and floating mountains," of agreeable horror." For Romantics such as Turner, it was pure, unpent nature at its wildest and most magnificent, and for Coleridge, a mysterious and hallucinogenic place.The authors build a valuable bridge between relevant research and practical applications that will reap measurable results., Betty Alford and Mary Catherine Nino's Leading Academic Achievement for English Language Learners is a practical guide designed to equip school leaders with the strategies and tools they need to shape a culture of high academic achievement among their English language learners.But life is not easy in America, either.This book, which includes a general introduction and lavish historical and literary commentary, represents the first complete collection of Hypereides' works in any language., The Athenian lawyer-politician Hypereides (390/89-322 BC) - a central figure in Athenian political life, patriot, bon viveur, contemporary of Demosthenes, and one of the canonical Ten Attic Orators - was credited in antiquity with more than seventy speeches.Features include self-guided walks in the heart of Florence as well as Siena, as well as drives through the wine-famous Chianti countryside and through the glorious Casentino.In its analysis of nation-building and the construction of state power, the book makes a significant contribution to the larger theoretical debates.The Suez Crisis was his crowning triumph.