Read online Cyberbullying : From Theory to Intervention (2015, Hardcover) TXT, DJV, DOC


The study of cyberbullying has exploded since its first appearance in a peer-reviewed journal article, as recently as 2005. This volume aims to make clear and practical sense of this proliferation of coverage, definining the problem of cyberbullying, exploring its unique features, and presenting a number of potential solutions. The book deals comprehensively with both theory and intervention and is split into two corresponding parts: Part One provides readers with a critical review of the existing research literature and collects insights from international researchers involved in bullying and cyberbullying research; Part Two offers a unique overview of ICT-based icyberbullying intervention programs. This latter part describes the development of interventions, the content of those interventions and some of their important outcomes and effects. Whereas most research papers offer limited space to describe actual intervention methods, this book will provide a tremendous insight into the different theoretical methods and practical strategies available to combat cyberbullying. The book's final chapter ties everything together by providing feedback on these interventions, based on the recommendations detailed in Part One. Cyberbullying: From Theory to Intervention will be essential reading for academics and researchers concerned with both cyberbullying and traditional bullying. It can be used in graduate seminars or advanced undergraduate courses in cyberbullying and will also be of interest to teachers, field experts and organisations involved and disseminating cyberbullying solutions.

Read book Cyberbullying : From Theory to Intervention (2015, Hardcover) in DJV, DOC

Are you ready to make your mark on the Internet with a personal blog, but aren't quite sure where to start?With an easy-to-understand framework, the program is adaptable for reading as well as other content area instruction and provides: Essential questions and templates for administrators Scaffolding for a successful school or district blueprint Tools and strategies for planning and implementation Links for professional development, This innovative resource presents program planning tools that can be customized for local school and district needs in planning effective interventions to benefit struggling students., While it is true that students who struggle with reading can lose important ground during the summer, it is possible to help these students hold onto the previous school year's learning as well as gain new ground to put them ahead for fall.Includes instructor's resources on CD-ROM and a Web-based student study site Instructor's Resources on CD Contains PowerPoint® slides, test questions (includes Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Essay format) and answers, lecture outlines, teaching activities, Web resources, and sample syllabi.The main issues in this book cover the core management principles for service firms in a comprehensive way.Avanti satisfies students' desire to communicate in everyday situations right from the start.It is also a lyrical celebration of a life well-lived and a paean to the priceless gift of human companionship.These are football managers, live and uncut.The pictures are awesome!" Ulrik Pilegaard, author of Forbidden LEGO, No, this isn't a book about joining some fringe cult.