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Neuropsychology of Cardiovascular Disease (2015, Hardcover, Revised) by download ebook FB2, EPUB


Cardiovascular disease ' the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most westernized nations ' confers risk for stroke, vascular dementia, and Alzheimer "s disease. In the first edition of this volume, it was demonstrated that even among stroke and dementia-free persons, several traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, plus a spectrum of cardiovascular diseases and their medical and surgical treatments are associated with brain abnormalities and neurocognitive difficulties. The second edition of this work reveals the vast expansion of research in this area of investigation, and covers relations to brain and neurocognition of a series of behavioral, biomedical, and psychophysiological risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Chapters link literature on cardiovascular diseases and their treatments. Also covered are cardiovascular risk factors and their potential mechanisms of influence on dementia pathogenesis. Neuropsychology of Cardiovascular Disease, 2ndEdition is a resource for professionals and students in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, neurologists, cardiologists, epidemiologists, gerontologists, nurses, and other health care professionals who work with patients with, or at risk for, cardiovascular disease. It also set future research agendas, and offer clinicians direction in the assessment of patients with cardiovascular diseases., Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States and most westernized nations. Both CVDs and their risk factors confer substantial risk for stroke and dementia, but are also associated with more subtle changes in brain structure and function and cognitive performance prior to such devastating clinical outcomes. It has been suggested that there exists a continuum of brain abnormalities and cognitive difficulties associated with increasingly severe manifestations of cardiovascular risk factors and diseases that precede vascular cognitive impairment and may ultimately culminate in stroke or dementia. This second edition examines the relations of a host of behavioral and biomedical risk factors, in addition to subclinical and clinical CVDs, to brain and cognitive function. Associations with dementia and pre-dementia cognitive performance are reported, described, and discussed with a focus on underlying brain mechanisms. Future research agendas are suggested, and clinical implications are considered. The volume is a resource for professionals and students in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, neurology, cardiology, cardiovascular and behavioral epidemiology, gerontology, geriatric medicine, nursing, adult developmental psychology, and for other physicians and health care professionals who work with patients with, or at risk for, CVDs., Cardiovascular disease - the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most westernized nations - confers risk for stroke, vascular dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. In the first edition of this volume, it was demonstrated that even among stroke and dementia-free persons, several traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, plus a spectrum of cardiovascular diseases and their medical and surgical treatments are associated with brain abnormalities and neurocognitive difficulties. The second edition of this work reveals the vast expansion of research in this area of investigation, and covers relations to brain and neurocognition of a series of behavioral, biomedical, and psychophysiological risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Chapters link literature on cardiovascular diseases and their treatments. Also covered are cardiovascular risk factors and their potential mechanisms of influence on dementia pathogenesis. Neuropsychology of Cardiovascular Disease, 2nd Edition is a resource for professionals and students in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, neurologists, cardiologists, epidemiologists, gerontologists, nurses, and other health care professionals who work with patients with, or at risk for, cardiovascular disease. It also set future research agendas, and offer clinicians direction in the assessment of patients with cardiovascular diseases., Cardiovascular disease e" the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most westernized nations e" confers risk for stroke, vascular dementia, and Alzheimere(tm)s disease. In the first edition of this volume, it was demonstrated that even among stroke and dementia-free persons, several traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, plus a spectrum of cardiovascular diseases and their medical and surgical treatments are associated with brain abnormalities and neurocognitive difficulties. The second edition of this work reveals the vast expansion of research in this area of investigation, and covers relations to brain and neurocognition of a series of behavioral, biomedical, and psychophysiological risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Chapters link literature on cardiovascular diseases and their treatments. Also covered are cardiovascular risk factors and their potential mechanisms of influence on dementia pathogenesis. Neuropsychology of Cardiovascular Disease, 2nd Edition is a resource for professionals and students in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, neurologists, cardiologists, epidemiologists, gerontologists, nurses, and other health care professionals who work with patients with, or at risk for, cardiovascular disease. It also set future research agendas, and offer clinicians direction in the assessment of patients with cardiovascular diseases., Cardiovascular disease “ the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most westernized nations “ confers risk for stroke, vascular dementia, and Alzheimer "s disease. In the first edition of this volume, it was demonstrated that even among stroke and dementia-free persons, several traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, plus a spectrum of cardiovascular diseases and their medical and surgical treatments are associated with brain abnormalities and neurocognitive difficulties. The second edition of this work reveals the vast expansion of research in this area of investigation, and covers relations to brain and neurocognition of a series of behavioral, biomedical, and psychophysiological risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Chapters link literature on cardiovascular diseases and their treatments. Also covered are cardiovascular risk factors and their potential mechanisms of influence on dementia pathogenesis. Neuropsychology of Cardiovascular Disease, 2ndEdition is a resource for professionals and students in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, neurologists, cardiologists, epidemiologists, gerontologists, nurses, and other health care professionals who work with patients with, or at risk for, cardiovascular disease. It also set future research agendas, and offer clinicians direction in the assessment of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

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It features an admirable list of contributors who give unique and thought-provoking perspectives on elder abuse and neglect from their own clinical and academic focus.In the 1920s, the average New Yorker ate six hundred local oysters a year.Throughout the book, the guide refers back to the Fire Safety and Risk Management textbook, helping students to consolidate their learning."Shoes that'll knock your socks off ""Where did you get those shoes?Burton's passion was not only for geographical discovery but also for the hidden in man.It shows the reader how to critically analyze the different aspects of credit risk practices and how credit risk fits within a bank s risk management framework.Brodie's] scholarship is wide and searching, and her understanding of Burton and his wife both deep and wide.It will appeal of those working in academic and research environments as well as governmental, professional, national and international organisations.The academy is often described as an ivory tower, isolated from the community surrounding it.His answer, "the Devil drives," applies not only to his geographical discoveries but also to the whole of his turbulent life.Burton was a true man of the Renaissance.But the worm at the core need not consume us.It represents a genuinely collaborative endeavour that aims to build knowledge about knowledge, both within and beyond formal education.The full picture presented by this book breaks down the evolving power relationships in the hemisphere and the ways in which conflict and cooperation play out through international organizations and relations.This book surveys the leading modern theories of property - Lockean, libertarian, utilitarian/law-and-economics, personhood, Kantian and human flourishing - and then applies those theories to concrete contexts in which property issues have been especially controversial.It features an admirable list of contributors who give unique and thought-provoking perspectives on elder abuse and neglect from their own clinical and academic focus.New boxed material that focuses on clinical methods and issues.